Captain Watch

Captain Watch

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film พยัคฆ์ร้าย 6 แผ่นดิน (1982)

พยัคฆ์ร้าย 6 แผ่นดิน

Date de sortie : 27 février 1982

Réalisateur :

The beginning of a transnational hunt when a gang of thieves rob a diamond in Hong Kong, but "David" disagrees with the action. hurt But the police arrested him as a co-incriminator. and was also targeted by a gang of thieves But the diamond shop's daughter saw the incident. So David was acquitted of the charges. The diamond heist group known as ASIAN KING robbed in Asian countries. to buy weapons of war And the final goal is to show the Siam Ruby diamond show in Thailand. Must mobilize to subdue good skills in the name of the 6 lands bad tigers to prevent and suppress the ASIAN KING gang to the end. Will the mission of the 6 lands bad tigers be successful?

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