Captain Watch

Captain Watch

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On sait prédire si tu vas aimer

film Der Pfau (2023)


Captain Watch

Der Pfau

Date de sortie : 09 mars 2023

Durée : 1h46

Réalisateur :

When investment banker Linda Bachmann and her team arrive at Lord and Lady Macintosh's country estate, the signs are not good for a relaxing weekend in Scotland: the annual balance sheet is lousy, colleagues are suspicious of themselves and their boss, and it works the rumor that soon a compliance employee will restructure the team. To top it all off, the property is not very comfortable, cook Helen's skills cannot hide that, and the methods of the young seminar leader Rebecca also seem rather questionable. When first the Lord's favorite peacock and then the Lady's favorite goose disappear, further arguments and chaos are inevitable. And finally it starts to snow...

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