Captain Watch

Captain Watch

? / 10

On sait prédire si tu vas aimer

film Damen tango (2004)


Captain Watch

Damen tango

Date de sortie : 21 mai 2004

Durée : 1h35

Nothing seems to threaten the quiet and happy life of Alexandra and Mircea, a couple who's both admired and envied: love, successful careers, and wealth. And nothing seems to ever threaten the very special relation between a renowned university teacher and one her most gifted student, Alexandra and Corina: two women, two friends who, against the age gap, share the same goals, the same interests. Even the same love interests. Until one day, when the sensibility is stronger than the reason. And all of a sudden, everything that seemed certain, such as friendship, loyalty, love and devotion, turns into a terrible hate.

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