Captain Watch

Captain Watch

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On sait prédire si tu vas aimer

film Mahfil (1981)


Captain Watch


Date de sortie : 26 mai 1981

Réalisateur :

Widower Raghunath Singh lives a very wealthy lifestyle with his daughter, Shalini. While making a presentation on the importance of women, he is shot at by a woman, but is uninjured. Shortly thereafter, Shalini introduces him to her boyfriend, Advocate Ajaykumar Saxena, who turns out to be the nephew of Dindayal, Raghunath's childhood friend. Raghunath subsequently hires Amar to train Shalini to be a good businesswoman, and expects both to marry soon. Then Shalini finds out that there she has a twin named Ratnabai, who is the daughter of a Courtesan who had been intimate with Raghunath, and was responsible for the attempt on Raghunath's life. She brings Ratna to her home, much to the chagrin of her dad. Soon Ratna starts to make herself at home in her new surroundings, and her demands start to increase - from mimicking Shalini, to flirting with Ajay.

Mon pitch

280 caractères restants

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