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film Director's Cut Edition Zyuden Sentai Kyoryuger BRAVE PRELUDE (2013)

Director's Cut Edition Zyuden Sentai Kyoryuger BRAVE PRELUDE

Date de sortie : 13 septembre 2013

Durée : 1h46

Director's Cut Edition Zyuden Sentai Kyoryuger BRAVE PRELUDE is the release of the director's cut version of Kyoryuger's first four episodes, with a total running time of 106 minutes. Brave 1: He's Here! The Bright Red King Brave 2: Gaburincho! Biting Combination Brave 3: It's Going to Get Wild! The Slashing Brave Brave 4: Shoot Through! The Gaburivolver of Courage The release features an additional 15 minutes of unreleased scenes from the series' first four episodes which explains how the other four Kyoryugers acquired their respective Zyudenryu. Also included are ending dance video, creditless ending, solo version of ending, and an audio commentary. The trailer for the Blu-Ray and DVD was released on July 25th 2013. Director's Cut Edition Zyuden Sentai Kyoryuger BRAVE PRELUDE is available in both Blu-Ray and DVD, for 7800 yen and 6800 yen respectively. It was released on September 13th 2013.

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