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film Panama Canal in 3D a Land Divided a World United (2019)


Captain Watch

Panama Canal in 3D a Land Divided a World United

Date de sortie : 27 février 2019

Durée : 0h40

Réalisateur :

Through the magic of 3D and IMAX cameras, audiences everywhere can take a mind-blowing trip through one of the seven wonders of the modern world in PANAMA CANAL 3D: A LAND DIVIDED A WORLD UNITED, revealing not only its vast scope, but plunging down into the locks and mechanical operations, boarding the giants sailing the Canal, gliding airborne over the entire country, the Panama railway, exploring by native canoe, discovering the unexpected tropical rain forest beauty and wildlife. The film sweeps from the days when Conquistadores struggled through a water-soaked quagmire to the 19th-Century French canal-digging debacle to the American engineering achievement that revolutionized shipping and tropical medicine. It's also about the visionary present, documenting efforts by Panama to expand the 100-year-old waterway to accommodate post-panamax ships. It concludes with a fusion of old and new Panama, its skyscrapers, its culture, a rising economic nerve of Central America.

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