Captain Watch

Captain Watch

Le film sort le 10 mai 2024 en salle, soit dans

film Supersiostry (2024)


Date de sortie : 10 mai 2024

Durée : 1h45

Réalisateur :

Teenage Ala does not fit into the provincial world around her. She constantly rebels and acts out against her father, a physics teacher at the local school. When Ala accidentally discovers that she has superpowers and meets her sister Lena, whom she didn’t know existed, her life turns upside down – literally. The trail of girls endowed with supernatural powers is followed by the Colonel and his dangerous companion Hector from the secret Department 92. The goal of the soldiers is to create a powerful new generation weapon. To get it they are willing to sacrifice a lot, even the lives of sisters. After years of separation, will AlA and Lena be able to join forces and cooperate? Will the supersisters move to rescue not only each other, but also the world?

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