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film Doctor Who: A Good Man Goes To War Prequel (2011)

Doctor Who: A Good Man Goes To War Prequel

Date de sortie : 28 mai 2011

Durée : 0h02

Réalisateur :

Dorium meets three cloaked figures, informing them that his agents have procured the exact security software they have requested. Dorium has extracted it from the memory of a Judoon trooper, admitting he decided that it was quicker to take the whole brain. He gives them the brain in exchange for a bag of sentient money. Dorium doesn't understand why they are doing all this to imprison one child, and says he's heard rumours about whose child they've taken. He asks if they are mad and if they've heard the stories about the Doctor. Dorium warns them "God help us if you've made him angry".

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