Captain Watch

Captain Watch

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film beyond Stranger things (2017)


Captain Watch

beyond Stranger things

Date de sortie : 27 octobre 2017

Durée : 2h24

"Stranger Things" became a surprise hit on Netflix when the first season launched in 2016. So looking to expand on the show's popularity, the streaming service launched a companion show alongside Season 2. "Beyond Stranger Things" is a recap show that discusses inspiration for the series, shares behind-the-scenes stories and analyzes key aspects from the storylines. Writer Jim Rash, a "superfan" of the show, hosts and is joined by members of the cast and crew, including creators Matt and Ross Duffer, on each episode. The insiders share secrets from the series set in the eerie town of Hawkins, Ind. Be warned, though, that spoilers abound so you may not want to watch this aftershow before viewing the episodes discussed.

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