Captain Watch

Captain Watch

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On sait prédire si tu vas aimer

film Witte Wieven (2024)


Captain Watch

Witte Wieven

Date de sortie : 25 janvier 2024

Durée : 1h01

Réalisateur :

In a small Dutch village in the Dark Ages, Frieda carries the blame for her struggle to conceive a child with her husband. She believes God is her only hope and seeks help from the village priest. But when the local butcher attempts to take advantage of Frieda, chasing her into the forest, he mysteriously disappears. Frieda comes back unscathed, the first to ever return from the unknown dangers outside of the village. The community becomes suspicious that it was not God who brought her back safely but a dark force cloaked in fog beyond the edge of the woods. Frieda becomes suspicious as well, but her doubts begin to form a new faith within her; a faith in the ones that linger in the darkness.

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