Captain Watch

Captain Watch

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On sait prédire si tu vas aimer

film Mamífera (2024)


Captain Watch


Date de sortie : 08 mars 2024

Durée : 1h33

Réalisateur :

Musique :

Lola (40) enjoys a happy life until an unforeseen pregnancy throws her plans into disarray. Resistant to motherhood and confronted by societal expectations, Lola and her boyfriend, Bruno, deal with the situation. As Lola confronts her inner fears about the repercussions of not embracing motherhood, she embarks on a quest for answers. Unexpectedly, Bruno reveals his desire to become a father, adding further tension and complexity to Lola's search for clarity about her future amidst pressure to conform to societal norms.

  1. tu l'as défié

Mon pitch

280 caractères restants

D'abord, noter le film tu dois !
Et ton pitch écrire tu pourras

Casting du film Mamífera

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