Captain Watch

Captain Watch

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On sait prédire si tu vas aimer

Kino Kopf

Date de sortie : 25 avril 2024

Durée : 0h10

Réalisateur :

Musique :

Born from steel and glass Kino Kopf is created by two inventors. They are assembled by their mother, a nurturing artist, and their Father a greedy entrepreneur. Kino Kopf is the first of its kind a sentient humanoid VHS camera. They are given a life by their mother but presented to the world by their father. Kino Kopf is the next big sensation and spurs a technological revolution. They are soon forgotten and alone as new models surpass them. Kino Kopf is left alone to contemplate if they ever had a soul, as visions of an electric cowboy dance through their dreams.

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Mon pitch

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