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Spice and Wolf

Date de sortie : 01 septembre 2008

Durée : 5h12

Réalisateurs :

Pasloe's small town used to hold Holo, a mighty wolf deity, in high regard for her annual harvest blessing. But as time passed by and the village prospered, the legend of Holo slowly faded. One day, Kraft Lawrence, a wandering merchant, arrived at the settlement, and Holo offered to become his business partner if he agreed to accompany her to her homeland of Yoitsu. Recognizing Holo's talent for appraising people and situations, Lawrence consented to the deal. Together, Lawrence and Holo embarked on a journey to seek financial opportunities, propelled by Lawrence's newly acquired trading skills and Holo's ability to charm and negotiate. However, as they traveled across the countryside, Lawrence realized that his initial goals were starting to shift into something entirely unexpected.

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