Captain Watch

Captain Watch

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On sait prédire si tu vas aimer

film Cha Wu Ci Ren (2012)


Captain Watch

Cha Wu Ci Ren

Date de sortie : 01 janvier 2012

Durée : 1h34

Réalisateur :

China, Jiangsu province, the present day. On 15 October, after depositing the funerary urn of his father, Professor Gu Daqing (Feng Dalu), who died of a sudden heart attack, Gu Jie (Calvin Yu) receives a phone call from a stranger telling him the urn has just been stolen and to "remember the 19th." After his car is hit by a lorry, Gu Jie wakes up on the 16th on the seashore of an island, where he finds a kidnapped girl tied up nearby. The girl's father, Jia Kuan (Li Hongquan), arrives and tells him to leave the island. In his pocket, Gu Jie finds a key to Room 327 of Shun Lai Hotel. After meeting a girl, Nana (Nancy Liu), who has a heart condition and whom his father once treated, Gu Jie goes to the decrepit hotel and checks into the room, where he finds an animal head in the bed and an old photo of a boy. "Welcome to the game," says the mysterious phone caller.

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