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film Alanis Morissette: VH1 Storytellers (2005)

Alanis Morissette: VH1 Storytellers

Date de sortie : 26 avril 2005

Durée : 1h00

If you're not familiar with the Storytellers program, it where VH1 gets well-known recording artists into an intimate setting with some of their biggest fans for a live performance. In between the songs the artists give a little insight to how the song came to be and field questions from the crowd. Alanis Morissette however, is uncomfortable with this format, but she's the first to tell you about it. She thinks she speaks a lot through her music. Alanis does give a little info on seven of her best known tracks. If I told you what she said there would be no reason for you to buy it. The performance takes place at the peak of Alanis' career, so all of her hits are included; "Hand in My Pocket", "You Learn", "Thank U", "Unsent", You Oughta Know", That I Would Be Good, and "Still".

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