Captain Watch

Captain Watch

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film NFL Moment of Impact (2007)

NFL Moment of Impact

Date de sortie : 30 octobre 2007

Durée : 1h18

First you hear the breathing, then you feel the wind coming through your helmet's ear hole. Suddenly you're down, and you're looking through your helmet's ear hole. Pain? That's for tomorrow morning. Right now you've gotta focus - focus on the next play and try not to focus on the next Moment of Impact. Moment of Impact takes you through the rugged world of the NFL like never before. You'll go into the huddle, up to the line, and under the pile with some of the game's roughest customers - men like Ray Lewis, Patrick Kearney, John Lynch and Michael Strahan. You'll meet some of the greatest defensive units of all time and find out which teams have a "tradition by position". But hard-hitting isn't limited to defense - we'll take a look at offensive players who can dish it out as well as they can take it as well as the art of being a "gunner" on special teams

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