Captain Watch

Captain Watch

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On sait prédire si tu vas aimer

film I Am Nasrine (2012)


Captain Watch

I Am Nasrine

Date de sortie : 01 juin 2012

Durée : 1h33

Réalisateur :

Classification F

When you change where you are do you change who you are? I Am Nasrine is an intimate journey of self-discovery and ultimately reveals the unfolding of a soul. Set in modern day Tehran, and the UK, the film follows the paths of Nasrine and Ali, sister and brother in a comfortable, middle class Iranian home. When Nasrine has a run-in with the police, the punishment is more than she bargained for. At her father's bidding, Nasrine and Ali set out for the UK, torn about leaving behind their home and all that they know, embarking on a reluctant exile.

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