Captain Watch

Captain Watch

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film WWE Elimination Chamber 2013 (2013)


Captain Watch

WWE Elimination Chamber 2013

Date de sortie : 17 février 2013

Durée : 3h00

Réalisateur :

For the first time in over a decade The Rock is WWE Champion. But a fuming CM Punk is determined to make The Great One's reign a footnote in his enduring stretch of dominance. Plus, six former World Heavyweight Champions enter the grueling Elimination Chamber for a chance to regain championship glory at WrestleMania. The bold new alliance of John Cena, Ryback and Sheamus has emerged to inflict their own brand of justice on The Shield. And the vicious pursuit of vengeance reaches its limit when World Heavyweight Champion Alberto Del Rio takes on Big Show. It’s the most punishing stop on the Road to WrestleMania, Elimination Chamber 2013!

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  • J'aime beaucoup

    Aurélien BoucherVIP
    Un très bon show avec de bons matchs pour le match entre Del Rio et Big Show, l'élimination chamber match, le match entre la team WWE et le Schield, ainsi que le main event entre The Rock et CM Punk.

Casting du film WWE Elimination Chamber 2013

Actrices et acteurs




Images du film WWE Elimination Chamber 2013

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