Captain Watch

Captain Watch

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film 執法威龍 (1992)


Captain Watch


Date de sortie : 01 janvier 1992

Réalisateur :

Tung/Torres, a vicious Filipino-Chinese drug dealer in Hong Kong, is caught by Chief Inspector Leung. Cynthia and Lung is tasked to deport him back to the Philippines for prosecution. But once they arrive, Dion is rescued by his boss/godfather, Tiger, leaving Cyntha and Lung with more than their responsibility to deal with Sgt. Franco, their Manila counterpart. Tiger, the coldly ambitious leader of the local gang, who builds an empire of crimes in Manila, has determined to eliminate anyone who will hinder his way of making money. They include Lung and Cynthia, Sgt. Franco and his partner, Billy, and Tiger's rival gang leader Mr. Tang. Between Lung and Sgt. Franco, it is a case of conflict at first sight; However, when Billy and Cynthia are brutally killed in the line of duty by the deadliest killers sent by Tung and Tiger, Lung and Franco finally get together and will stop at nothing to launch a mission against the baron and to fight for justice with unexpectedly violent results.

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