Captain Watch

Captain Watch

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film The Amateur Monster Movie (2011)


Captain Watch

The Amateur Monster Movie

Date de sortie : 01 janvier 2011

Durée : 1h39

Réalisateur :

Musique :

After a group of boy scouts are mysteriously killed by a wolf-like creature on Cadaverous Island, Walter Romero, whose best friend was among the killed, sets out to find exactly what happened. In order to reach the island, Walter teams up with Johnny Mason, neighborhood stoner, to smoke up Ashley Valinski, neighborhood hottie, and get her to take them out on her father's boat. But soon after arriving on Cadaverous Island, a horde of zombies steals their boat, leaving them stranded, and the three are forced to team up with two cops, the mayor, and a team of botanists to either kill the monsters... or be killed themselves..... DUN-DUN-DUN!!!

Mon pitch

280 caractères restants

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Casting du film The Amateur Monster Movie

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