Captain Watch

Captain Watch

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On sait prédire si tu vas aimer

film 精舞門2 (2010)


Captain Watch


Date de sortie : 10 juin 2010

Durée : 1h29

Réalisateur :

Qingdao, Shandong province, China, the present day. Letian, leader of hip-hop dance group Encore, meets rich kid Mianmian when she enrols at a dance studio where he teaches. Mianmian's Latin dance partner-cum-fiance Ranqiu has asked her to take hip-hop lessons to expand her style so they can make a splash at a forthcoming competition in the U.S. Things don't go well at the start between the easygoing Letian and snooty Mianmian, and meanwhile Encore loses one of its key dancers, Wang Zi, when he signs a management contract with local dance-club owner Ye in order to pay his mother's medical bills. Between romancing Mianmian, Letian has to prove that Encore still has the goods.

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