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film The Jesus Lizard: Live (2007)


Captain Watch

The Jesus Lizard: Live

Date de sortie : 05 juin 2007

Durée : 1h05

Réalisateur :

While the studio recordings of Chicago's Jesus Lizard are part of the canon of 90s indie rock, anyone who saw them knows their reputation as the live band of that era is completely accurate. This film captures the original quartet in 1994 playing to a packed and frenzied crowd at the Venus de Milo in Boston. The band's workman like approach to their taunt, pummeling sound is contrasted by front man David Yow's Dionysian revelry as he whips himself and the crowd into an ecstatic mess. This 2-camera shoot catches all the blood, spit and sweat of a truly killer live band at their peak.

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