Captain Watch

Captain Watch

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On sait prédire si tu vas aimer

film Dirty Sky (2003)


Captain Watch

Dirty Sky

Date de sortie : 10 novembre 2003

Réalisateurs :

"Dirty Sky" tells a gruesome tale of our time with a double finale: once the eternally classic love story of Romeo and Juliet in the guise of Bonnie and Clyde substance, as bloody road movie. On the other end with a romantic fantasy. This film also tells of growing up. Our story is told against the backdrop of a dying industrial area on two versions about the love between two lots of chance: the 17-year-old Jenny and 19-year-old Paule, leading her life in series of unfortunate, even tragic circumstances of the death. Or, with alternative conclusion: the 17-year-old Jenny and 19-year-old Paule, which almost leads her life despite unfortunate chain, even tragic circumstances in the sky of love.

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