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film WWE Vengeance 2001 (2001)


Captain Watch

WWE Vengeance 2001

Date de sortie : 09 décembre 2001

Durée : 2h38

Réalisateur :

Vengeance (2001) was the first annual Vengeance PPV. It was presented by Lugz and took place on December 9, 2001 at the San Diego Sports Arena in San Diego, California. The main feature of the event was a three-match tournament to unify the WWF Championship and the unbranded former WCW Championship into what became known as the Undisputed Championship. Stone Cold Steve Austin competed against kurt Angle in the first match for the WWF Championship. Chris Jericho then competed against the Rock for the World Championship. The winners of those two matches then fought for the Undisputed Championship title. In the undercard, The Hardcore Championship was defended by Rob Van Dam against The Undertaker, Edge defended the Intercontinental Championship against William Regal, Big Show and Kane challenged The Dudley Boyz for the Tag team Championship belts, and Trish Stratus fought Jacqueline for the Women's Championship.

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  • J'adore

    Aurélien BoucherVIP
    Un excellent Pay Per View pour conclure 2001, avec de très bons matchs comme le Edge/Regal, le match entre les Hardy, le Undertaker/Rob Van Dam, ainsi que le triple main event pour déterminer le premier champion undisputed.

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