Captain Watch

Captain Watch

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film The Longest Night (1972)


Captain Watch

The Longest Night

Date de sortie : 12 septembre 1972

Durée : 1h14

Réalisateur :

Musique :

The daughter of a wealthy family is kidnapped and imprisoned underground in a custom-built, ventilated coffin while her family and the police search for her. But the battery that powers the ventilation is running out of juice and the ransom drop has been botched. This movie was originally shown as an ABC Movie of the Week on September 12, 1972. The story is based on the 1968 kidnapping of Barbara Mackle by Gary Krist.

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Casting du film The Longest Night

Actrices et acteurs






Equipe artistique

Costumes et maquillage


Images du film The Longest Night

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