Captain Watch

Captain Watch

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film A Deadly Compromise (2000)


Captain Watch

A Deadly Compromise

Date de sortie : 01 janvier 2000

Réalisateur :

In Genoa, Anna Merisi, the wife of the unconventional professor of the local university Paolo Merisi, decides to hire a babysitter for their son because she wants to work again to help to pay for their bills. Meanwhile, the deranged Caterina, who has just left a clinic, gets the Merisi family address and lies telling that she was sent by the agency. When Paolo sees her, he recalls that Caterina was his former student and they had an affair two years ago, but his wife is very connected to Caterina and he has no chance to fire her. When Caterina jeopardizes his marriage and his family, Paolo discloses his past to Anna. But Caterina does not want to give up on Paolo.

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