Captain Watch

Captain Watch

[@boucher] Un bon Pay Per View de la WCW avec de bons matchs comme le main event entre Davey Boy Smith et Vader malgré la fin par DQ, et surtout le tag team steel cage entre Steve Austin et Brian Pillman face à Ricky Steamboat et Zenk.

film WCW Slamboree 1993 (1993)


Captain Watch

WCW Slamboree 1993

Date de sortie : 23 mai 1993

Durée : 2h50

Réalisateur :

Slamboree 1993: A Legends' Reunion was the first annual Slamboree professional wrestling pay-per-view produced by WCW. It took place on May 23, 1993 at The Omni in Atlanta, Georgia. A "Legends Ceremony" occurred at the event, and introduced several legends. The WCW Hall of Fame induction ceremony also occurred, and Lou Thesz, Mr. Wrestling II, Verne Gagne, and Eddie Graham were the inductees. The PPV also saw the reformation of the Four Horsemen, now consisting of Ric Flair, Arn Anderson, Ole Anderson, and new member Paul Roma. The main event was Big Van Vader defending the WCW World Heavyweight Title against Davey Boy Smith. Barry Windham defended the NWA World Heavyweight Title against Arn Anderson and The Hollywood Blondes defended the NWA & WCW World Tag Team Championships against Dos Hombres in a steel cage match.

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    Aurélien BoucherVIP
    Un bon Pay Per View de la WCW avec de bons matchs comme le main event entre Davey Boy Smith et Vader malgré la fin par DQ, et surtout le tag team steel cage entre Steve Austin et Brian Pillman face à Ricky Steamboat et Zenk.

Casting du film WCW Slamboree 1993

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