Captain Watch

Captain Watch

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On sait prédire si tu vas aimer

film El pequeño mago (2013)


Captain Watch

El pequeño mago

Date de sortie : 14 novembre 2013

Durée : 1h20

Réalisateur :

A Norman pirate ship berths at the quay of the small Galician town of Tui, with orders to sack the village. Bieito Dubidoso, barely 9 years old but armed with startling magic powers, manages to get them expelled. The news of the miracle spread like wildfire all over the region and, from then on, he will be widely known as "The Little Wizard". Together with his inseparable friend Destreza, he will embark on endless adventures and will face Bishop Juan, lord and master of the city, who will not forgive Bieito for showing him as a coward to his vassels. Will The Little Wizard keep himself safe in his adventures?

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