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film WWF: Eve of Destruction (1998)

WWF: Eve of Destruction

Date de sortie : 24 novembre 1998

Durée : 0h45

Réalisateur :

This is a special look at some of the greatest matches ever. First, from 1998's King of the Ring , the infamous Hell in the Cell. Then, the Steel Cage and Last Man Standing Matches from 1999's St Valentine's Day Massacre. We wrap things up with WrestleMania XV's Shane McMahon vs. X-Pac, as well as the greatest Ladder Match in WWE history from Terri Invitational Tournamnet at 1999's No Mercy. What sets this DVD apart though, are the in-depth Superstar commentaries as you watch the action. It's all here with an exclusive backstage perspective from the ones who lived it and watched it all unfold before their eyes. So what are you gonna do tonight? The answer, my friend, is right here in your sweaty little hands.

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