Captain Watch

Captain Watch

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On sait prédire si tu vas aimer

film Tumbleweed Trail (1946)


Captain Watch

Tumbleweed Trail

Date de sortie : 19 juillet 1946

Durée : 0h57

Réalisateur :

Musique :

Eddie Dean's assignment is to thwart the efforts of a crooked gambler, Brad Barton, to take over the property of his half-brother Bill Ryan. In order to secure the ranch, which is believed to hold large silver deposits, the scheming relative contracts to have Ryan killed. He then presents a forged will to the court naming himself as the sole heir. Shocked by the tide of events, Ryan's two rightful heirs, his grown daughter Robin and young son "Freckles" are determined to remain on their father's property. Eddie and his sidekick, Soapy Jones, arrive on the scene in time to enter the fight on the side of Robin and "Freckles."

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