Captain Watch

Captain Watch

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film Driftin' River (1946)


Captain Watch

Driftin' River

Date de sortie : 01 octobre 1946

Durée : 0h59

Réalisateur :

Musique :

Eddie Dean (Eddie Dean) and his partner Soapy Jones (Roscoe Ates), under government orders, proceed to the ranch of J.C. Morgan (Shirley Patterson to buy cavalry remounts for the Army. At the ranch, they find out that J.C. is a girl. The nearby town of Dow City is under the control of a lawless trio headed by Trigger (Lee Roberts, Clem Kensington (Foxy Callahan) and Joe Morino (Dennis Moore). A member of the gang is Tucson Brown (Lee Bennett), one of J.C.'s trusted hands. When Eddie decides to buy the horses, Tucson steals the herd to prevent the sale. Soldiers, sent to investigate, are brutally murdered. The aroused townspeople elect Tennessee (William Fawcett, J.C.'s foreman, as sheriff. When the outlaws murder Tennessee, Eddie and Soapy, along with the reformed Tucson, swing into action.

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