Captain Watch

Captain Watch

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On sait prédire si tu vas aimer

film 當C遇上G7 (2013)


Captain Watch


Date de sortie : 27 octobre 2013

Durée : 1h27

Réalisateur :

It is normal to face challenges in love, career, and friendships when growing up. In this film, 13-year-old Tank meets 3 good friends Dean, Fai and Ian on the street one day by chance. They are all musically talented and the friendship grows because of a piano shop. Tan helps them to promote their piano shop and recruit classmates at his school, but is discovered by his teacher and the school discipline master… Nevertheless, the four keep trying to make a success of the business. In the meantime, Dean is mourning his lost love and regrets what he did; Fai is bitter because his talents go underappreciated. They all have their own problems and life is not happy. Then they meet a musically talented air-conditioner technician. Seeing how a shy boy made a success of his job, their attitude begins to change. Tank understands and wants to be grown up and ask his dream girl to be his girlfriend one day.

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