Captain Watch

Captain Watch

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On sait prédire si tu vas aimer

film Looking for Alibrandi (2000)


Captain Watch

Looking for Alibrandi

Date de sortie : 04 mai 2000

Durée : 1h43

Réalisateur :

Musique :

Classification F

Josie Alibrandi has a lot to deal with right now. She’s 17, got the dreaded H.S.C. in front of her, and the boy of her dreams seems completely out of reach. Then there’s that other problem. She’s a wog. Sure, it’s where Josie comes from, but it’s not where she feels she belongs. In fact, Josie doesn’t know where she belongs. With her Nonna in one ear talking about the old country and the stuck-up girls at her school telling her she’s an outsider, it’s no wonder. This year, however, everything is going to change. Josie will let loose, face her fears, uncover secrets - even discover the true identity of her father. It’s going to be a year when Josie finally finds out where she belongs.

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Casting du film Looking for Alibrandi

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