Captain Watch

Captain Watch

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On sait prédire si tu vas aimer

film 또 하나의 약속 (2014)


Captain Watch

또 하나의 약속

Date de sortie : 06 février 2014

Durée : 2h00

Réalisateur :

Musique :

Taxi driver Sang-gu is an ordinary father who has made a happy family. Due to their unfortunate financial circumstances, he is sorry that he cannot afford to send his daughter Yoon-mi to university like other parents. Yet, with a bright smile on her face, Yoon-mi tells her father that she will one day buy him a new car and pay college tuition fees for her younger sibling. However, less than two years after Yoon-mi begins her job at a large corporate company, she gets seriously ill and returns home. Sang-gu is heartbroken to see his young daughter in such a condition.

  1. tu l'as défié

Mon pitch

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Casting du film 또 하나의 약속

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Images du film 또 하나의 약속

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