Captain Watch

Captain Watch

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On sait prédire si tu vas aimer

film Cosas que olvidé recordar (1999)


Captain Watch

Cosas que olvidé recordar

Date de sortie : 10 juin 1999

Durée : 1h36

Réalisateur :

A bittersweet comedy in Spanish and English about a Cuban family that migrates to the United States. Robertico, Carmela and Roberto's youngest son, grow up feeling ashamed that his family might not be American enough. He has reached this conclusion by constantly watching American television and forming an opinion as to how Americans really are. Led by his desperation, he literally escapes into an American television sitcom in order to forget about his Cuban past. Not knowing what to do, his family prays to the Virgin Mary to ask for help. When the cultures clash, Robertico has to decide whether he is strong enough to withstand his own self-hatred, and learn not only self-esteem, but how to embrace his Cuban roots.

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