Captain Watch

Captain Watch

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film Modern Drummer Festival Weekend 2003 (2003)

Modern Drummer Festival Weekend 2003

Date de sortie : 26 septembre 2003

A two-disc set with almost SIX HOURS of footage and special features. Featured artists and groups included: Hip Pickles, who put on an incredible set of percussion ensemble virtuosity; Nathaniel Townsey, with a very soulful trio; jazz drummer Matt Wilson and his trio; a burning set by Steve Smith and Vital Information; Mike Portnoy with his Beatles Tribute band and with Dream Theater; the brilliant percussionist Airto Moreira; an incredible drum duo from Holland called the Drumbassadors; great sets by NIck D'Virgilio and Antonio Sanchez, and capped by an amazingly funky set by Shawn Pelton and House of Diablo. Special DVD Features include, Mike Portnoy rehearsal footage, Stick Tricks with Steve Smith and the Drumbassadors, a Photo Gallery, and more.

  1. tu l'as défié

Mon pitch

280 caractères restants

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Images du film Modern Drummer Festival Weekend 2003

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