Captain Watch

Captain Watch

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On sait prédire si tu vas aimer

film Baat Ban Jaye (1986)


Captain Watch

Baat Ban Jaye

Date de sortie : 01 janvier 1986

Durée : 2h15

Réalisateur :

Musique :

Wealthy Mr. Singh would like to see his daughter get married but she hates wealthy men. So he finds several poor men: Ajay Srivastav, who is already married and also has 3 daughters; Yeshwant Bhosle, a TV repairman who ends up being a multi-millionaire after his invention is marketed; Viju Guide, a Hyderabad-based Tourist Guide, who finds buried treasure and also ends up a multi-millionaire; and Prakash, a motor mechanic who ends up being the only son of wealthy builder. Finally Nisha meets her ideal match in Rukhtapur-based Suraj Singh, a wedding singer/dancer, and gets married to him. But is Suraj Singh who he really claims to be?

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Mon pitch

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Casting du film Baat Ban Jaye

Actrices et acteurs




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