Captain Watch

Captain Watch

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film Eve Knew Her Apples (1945)


Captain Watch

Eve Knew Her Apples

Date de sortie : 12 avril 1945

Durée : 1h04

Réalisateur :

Radio singing star, Eve Porter, wants a vacation during her show's summer hiatus, but her manager and press have booked her for additional work. She refuses and goes to Las Vegas. When she finds them there hunting her down, she manages to escape them by hiding in the car of a newspaper reporter. She comes out of hiding while he is driving, but everything she says is misconstrued, making him believe that she is a recently-escaped convict, "The Singing Widow". He plans to use this as a story to get back into the good graces of his editor. Through some comic mishaps, he learns who she really is. He then decides to take her back to Hollywood to collect the reward for her return. But now love has entered the mix, and must be resolved with his job and her engagement to another.

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Casting du film Eve Knew Her Apples

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