Captain Watch

Captain Watch

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film The Blue Hotel (1977)


Captain Watch

The Blue Hotel

Date de sortie : 01 janvier 1977

Durée : 0h52

Réalisateur :

Nebraska in the 1880's: bleak, lonely, and far from what you'd expect The Wild West to be. But for a naive Swedish immigrant, the frontier parlor of THE BLUE HOTEL represents the quintessential western fantasy. No one can convince The Swede that his dime-store notions about The West are foolish. He sees murderous intentions all around him and in his terror he turns everybody against him. Inevitably, the Swede attracts tragedy. However, who is responsible? The negative Swede? Or the cliquish hotel guests? Jan Kadar directs this timely story of how society punishes outsiders for being different.

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Casting du film The Blue Hotel

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Images du film The Blue Hotel

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