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film Pizza (2014)


Captain Watch


Date de sortie : 18 juillet 2014

Durée : 1h47

Réalisateur :

Musique :

'Pizza' is a supernatural thriller - it is the story of Kunal,a pizza delivery boy who works at a small pizza joint in Mumbai. The staff working at the Pizza joint are his only friends and his wife Nikita, is someone whom he trusts and enjoys spending time with. His life is limited to delivering pizzas across the city .Kunal is a non believer in the occult - whether ghosts or the afterlife. Life is a series of regular uneventful days, until one day a pizza delivery goes wrong. Kunal delivers to a couple at a House and this encounter changes his life around for the worse. The experiences in the haunted house makes Kunal realize there are supernatural powers in existence... and to make matters worse, when he finally escapes from the house, his wife Nikita goes missing. 'Pizza' is a horror film, with a twist.

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