Captain Watch

Captain Watch

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On sait prédire si tu vas aimer

film जीना सिर्फ़ मेरे लिए (2002)


Captain Watch

जीना सिर्फ़ मेरे लिए

Date de sortie : 20 novembre 2002

Réalisateur :

Pinky alias Pooja Malhotra (Kareena Kapoor) and Karan (Tusshar Kapoor) are childhood sweethearts. During this time they exchange vows that they will live for each other only. They separate shortly after but they do not forget their vows. Pooja frantically searches for her sweetheart, but to no avail. She finally decides to write her own story in a the form of a love story. This story turns out to be very popular, and Pooja does get to meet Karan, only to find out that he has a girlfriend by the name of Seema.

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