Captain Watch

Captain Watch

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On sait prédire si tu vas aimer

film Jeene Nahi Doonga (1984)


Captain Watch

Jeene Nahi Doonga

Date de sortie : 01 janvier 1984

Réalisateur :

Bitter animosity and hatred has existed between the communities of Jangavar and Dilavar. While Dilavar's Roshan wants to bring peace between everyone, he sets an example by marrying Chandni. This enrages the Jangavars' who attack the Dilavars, killing Roshan. Before dying, Roshan asks his twin brother, Raka, to promise that he will bring peace by getting their brother, Badal, married to Shaka's sister, Reshma. Raka attempts to carry out his promise, by letting both meet and fall in love with each other. When the time comes for Badal to propose to Reshma, she accepts with one condition - that Badal kill Raka and bring his severed head to Jangavar. The question is will Badal sacrifice his brother's life to marry Reshma and bring peace between the two communities?

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Casting du film Jeene Nahi Doonga

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