Captain Watch

Captain Watch

? / 10

On sait prédire si tu vas aimer

film Любимый по найму (2007)

Любимый по найму

Date de sortie : 02 décembre 2007

Durée : 1h30

Réalisateur :

Twenty-five-year-old bank employee Nina returns to work from holiday with some surprising news. She has fallen in love with a young man and is soon to be married. Her parents and friends are shocked and naturally concerned - their suspicions are soon justified. One evening Nina returns home to find her flat burgled, and her beloved Gosha has disappeared. Nina confides to her neighbour, Valentina, a former actress, that she has promised to introduce Gosha to her parents at her birthday party and does not want to let them down. So Valentina comes up with an interesting suggestion - to hire an actor for the evening to play the role of Gosha.

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