Captain Watch

Captain Watch

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On sait prédire si tu vas aimer

film Over Gaden Under Vandet (2009)


Captain Watch

Over Gaden Under Vandet

Date de sortie : 23 octobre 2009

Durée : 1h25

Réalisateur :

Musique :

Classification F

This is the day when the lives of an intertwined group of people take a new direction. Everything they have taken for granted starts to change. While Anne and Ask's relationship succumbs to 'metal fatigue', Charlotte has to realise that her husband Carl may not be right for her. At the same time Bente has to decide if she is prepared to wait for ever for her lover, while her ex-husband Bjørn must face the pain of finally letting Bente go. The characters and their children are twirled around in an ever-increasing drama which peaks during the opening night of Hamlet. Anne is on stage as Ophelia, and the question remains: to be or not be responsible for one's own happiness.

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Casting du film Over Gaden Under Vandet

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