Captain Watch

Captain Watch

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film Siener in die Suburbs (1973)


Captain Watch

Siener in die Suburbs

Date de sortie : 22 mars 1973

Durée : 1h29

Réalisateur :

Tjokkie, his mother and sister Tiemie live together on poverty row. Tjokkie has a gift of psychic ability and is prone to terrifying trance states which allow him to see the future.His mother's husband, a lay-about called Giel Swart (Yellow Black?) is sponging off his mother's war pension. He sees her children Tjokkie and Tiemie as his own because he has seen them "grow up before his eyes".The aggressive biker Jakes, a man who has built a dangerous reputation around the suburbs is Tiemie's new boyfriend. This Friday night he's visiting their house and drinking heavily with the constantly brow-beaten Giel.Tiemie announces that she's pregnant and not sure if Jakes is the father. Giel in complete financial devastation has laid the last of his money on a 'lucky horse'"

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