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film Derek Jarman: Life as Art (2004)


Captain Watch

Derek Jarman: Life as Art

Date de sortie : 25 mars 2004

Durée : 0h57

Réalisateur :

Derek Jarman's family, friends and closest collaborators recall the life and genius of one of Briatin's greatest film-makers - featuring clips, stills and a gorgeous use of Super 8. "Understand that your morality is not law," said Derek Jarman. A good maxim for a filmmaker whose life and work is explored in this loving documentary. Avant-garde in method but nostalgic in temperament, he's remembered by family and friends like Tilda Swinton and Nigel Terry. Excellent use of Super 8 blends with revelatory stories, not least his wish to cast Terry-Thomas as Ariel in The Tempest!

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