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film Il Trovatore (2010)

Il Trovatore

Date de sortie : 09 octobre 2010

Durée : 2h22

Réalisateurs :

Musique :

This recording of "Il Trovatore" was held in Parma in 2010. The production is minimalistic. The scenario reminds, vaguely, the lunar surface. In the background, in several scenes, there is a huge full moon, sometimes white, sometimes red - the effect is beautiful and suitable for the nocturnal atmosphere of this opera. Few objects in the scene, including a big horse and giant candles. The costume indicates, directly, who is who: soldiers, nuns, gypsies. Regarding the musical aspects: excellent participation of choir and orchestra. The conductor is the seasoned Yuri Temirkanov. He keeps the orchestra under control (though there is one or two moments of disagreement with the singers), with some pleasant surprises.

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