Captain Watch

Captain Watch

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film Always Another Dawn (1948)


Captain Watch

Always Another Dawn

Date de sortie : 24 septembre 1948

Durée : 1h48

Réalisateur :

Musique :

Featuring Charles 'Bud' Tingwell in only his second film and first lead role, which helped prepare him for his part in the 1953 World War Two Hollywood action drama, 'The Desert Rats'. 'Always Another Dawn' celebrates the Australian Navy's contribution to the Allied victory in WW2. The ship (Dauntless) is based on the real-life HMAS Yarra, which was sunk by a Japanese cruiser squadron on 4 March 1942 with 138 lives lost. Assisted by the Royal Australian Navy, filming took place at Flinders Naval Depot Melbourne and aboard the destroyer HMAS Bataan.

Mon pitch

280 caractères restants

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Casting du film Always Another Dawn

Actrices et acteurs







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