Captain Watch

Captain Watch

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film Tie pimeään (1962)


Captain Watch

Tie pimeään

Date de sortie : 28 décembre 1962

Durée : 1h43

Réalisateur :

Musique :

Klaus Grahn is a young student frustrated with his life. In an attempt to break free from his unfulfilling life he tries to commit the perfect crime and forges a large check. Quickly he runs out of money and the police identifies him as the criminal, and so he boards a train to Tampere where he robs a taxi and shoots the driver. He returns to Helsinki and manages to avoid the police, but his friends and family try to persuade him into giving himself up. Klaus is angered by this, and he flees, plagued by paranoid thoughts until he decides to confront his friends for the last time - this time with a gun.

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