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film Go! Princess Pretty Cure the Movie Go! Go!! Gorgeous Triple Feature!!! (2015)

Go! Princess Pretty Cure the Movie Go! Go!! Gorgeous Triple Feature!!!

Date de sortie : 31 octobre 2015

Durée : 1h15

The movie this time around is the first for Pretty Cure: Go! Go!! Gorgeous Triple Feature!!! It's a sparkling Happy Halloween party at the movie theater!! This fall, the highly popular TV series Go! Princess Pretty Cure (ABC, tv asahi affiliates) is coming to the big screen! It's a Halloween-themed super-gorgeous triple feature, with "A Precious Treasure of Pumpkin Land", "Lefy's Wonderful Night", and "Cure Flora and a Mysterious Mirror". "Strongly, kindly, and beautifully" Pretty Cures get a glamour power-up, including CG anime and the appearance of their mini-sized versions!

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